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import { NoteController } from './note.controller.js';
import NoteDataservice from '../dataservices/note.service.js';

 * Question:
 * Do we want to unit test controllers? If we do openapi based testing with Newman, I think that should
 * cover all of the standard "black-box" expectations of the endpoint...
 * https://github.com/dtzar/openapi-auto-test
 * Seems like we should still unit test with fakes/stubs on the dataservices so we can test before live,
 * especially if we have controllers that will modify/transform data

/** @test {NoteController} */
describe('NoteController', function() {
  let getStub;
  beforeEach(function() {
    // Create stubs and fakes here for how we expect backend to interact
    getStub = sinonSandbox.stub(NoteDataservice, 'getNote');

  /** @test {NoteController.getNoteById} */
  describe('getNoteById()', function() {
     * Question:
     * Is this useful? Or should we just check that it calls the backend dataservice?
     * Maybe we should use Model classes for objects returned from service, so we can instantiate in
     * the fakes/returns we stub
    it('should return a Note with id passed', async function() {
      const id = 1;

      const note = await NoteController.getNoteById({ params: { id } });

      expect(note).to.contain({ id });

    it('should return error message if id is invalid');

    it('should return error message if Note doesn\'t exist');

  /** @test {NoteController.createNote} */
  describe('createNote()', function() {
    it('should call DataService.createNote (with newName?)', async function() {
      const createNoteStub = sinonSandbox.stub(NoteDataservice, 'createNote');

      const newNoteName = 'abc';
      await NoteController.createNote({ payload: { name: newNoteName } });

      expect(createNoteStub).to.be.calledWith({ name: newNoteName });

    it('should return note with name passed and new id', async function() {
      const id = 13;
      sinonSandbox.stub(NoteDataservice, 'createNote').callsFake(({ name }) => {
        return {

      const newNoteName = 'abc';
      const note = await NoteController.createNote({ payload: { name: newNoteName } });

        name: newNoteName

    it('should return error if note name is empty');

    it('should return error message if error creating note');

  /** @test {NoteController.updateNote} */
  describe('updateNote()', function() {
    it('should call NoteDataservice.updateNote (with params)');

    it('should return note with updated name, as passed');

    it('should return error message if id is invalid');

    it('should return error message if error updating note');

  /** @test {NoteController.deleteNote} */
  describe('deleteNote()', function() {
    it('should call NoteDataservice.deleteNote (with id)');

    it('should return the deleted note id');

    it('should return error message if id is invalid');

    it('should return error message if error deleting note');