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 * @flow
import template from './add-input.partial.hbs';

 * Add Input Component Type
 * @type {AddInputComponent}
export type AddInputComponent = {
  getValue: Function;
  focusClear: Function

 * AddInput Component Factory that creates DOM element and binds handlers
 * @param {Function} addHandler handler when 'add' button is pressed
 * @return {AddInputComponent} Add input component
function addInputComponentFactory(addHandler: Function): AddInputComponent {
  const temp = document.createElement('div');

  temp.innerHTML = template();

  const input = (temp.querySelector('.add-input'): any);
  input.onkeypress = (event) => {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {
  (temp.querySelector('.add-button'): any).onclick = addHandler;

  const ret: any = temp.firstChild;
  ret.getValue = () => {
    return input.value;

  ret.focusClear = () => {
    input.value = '';

  return ret;

export default addInputComponentFactory;